Wonder and Awe

It’s always surprised me that my strength of Beauty and Excellence was not more prominent in my VIA Strengths Survey. As a leader I would often ask my team/s what I should do more of, less of, and differently and I always appreciated the feedback I received. It was an opportunity to grow, which is what feedback should be. My team agreed that I did appreciate beauty and excellence but I didn’t stop often enough to do it. So here we are, not post COVID- 19, but we are post iso and we are living in the new norm. So, in this space I have been thinking about what we might have appreciated about this time?



I appreciated the enforced pause, not the cause of the pause, and not in the first few days or even couple of weeks, but I have definitely appreciated the pause. Even though I would consider myself busy during iso, continuing to work from home and supporting my family and others as best I could, I did have more time than usual. I didn’t even feel guilty about not being “busy” 24/7. The photo above is from my garden and it demonstrates stages of growth and decay. I noticed much more during this time, especially about nature. I have always loved being with children and respected them, now I realise how often they enabled me to pause and practice wonder and awe. They are fascinated by ants, flowers, rainbows, light, the sound of a dog barking and a siren. They see for the first time, and they enable us to reacquaint ourselves with what we might have taken for granted. Iso afforded me this new opportunity, and I plan to sustain it. I appreciated time, time to be, time to pause, and more time with some members of my family. I really struggled with less time with other members of my family and friends though.

What did you appreciate at this time?


I missed physical contact with family and friends. Connection is critical for wellbeing and I struggled with connecting on screens, more than physically. I found it hard when people avoided me in the street, even though I knew it was right and they were being caring. I missed connection.

What did you struggle with?


Nature, exercise and connection are very good for wellbeing. I set up habits, walking and exercising consistently, more reading, and making a phone call each day to someone who I hadn’t spoken to for a while. I cooked more, and enjoyed being at home but I’ll be honest it was getting harder towards the end, and I was pleased when the restrictions began to lift.

What did you learn?


We may or may not be ready for goal setting but I know if I don’t reflect now, hold onto what matters most, and set some goals for action, I may miss this precious opportunity.

In summary

  • What did you appreciate during our isolation time? 

  • What did you struggle with?

  • What have you learnt?

  • What is your hope for the future? 

  • What are you going to do to ensure your appreciation, struggles and learnings become positive directions for you, your family, your workplace and for humanity?  

A final wondering- How are we going to continue building and maintaining agency for our personal wellbeing and for humanity?