Investment in people and team dynamics is critical for organizational growth and effectiveness. Strengths Canvass brings an innovative and empowering approach to the complexity and sophisticated interpersonal dynamics of life in the 21st century. Reframing through a Strengths mindset transforms problems into opportunities. As a leader of teams and organisations I have witnessed, and seek to facilitate, the alchemy of each person’s unique strengths, combined with those of others, to enable greater wellbeing and performance. Connection is built through respectful communication, trust, empathy, and unconditional positive regard. Enhanced relationships have the capacity to improve learning and mutual inquiry, promote psychological safety and trust, the ability to learn from failures, cooperate and generally improve organizational processes.

Positive leaders have a generative effect in organizations as they are responsible for the wellbeing and performance of individuals and teams, managing a complex range of issues and being ultimately responsible for outcomes. Positive leadership improves performance, profitability, productivity, quality, innovation, customer loyalty and employee engagement (Cameron, 2013). Positive Leadership is a Strength Canvass daily practice.