Cognitive Load or Cognitive Overload

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As an educator I’m very aware of Cognitive Load Theory and what that looks like in practice. In essence it is about optimising the load on working memory. When learning is difficult and concepts are complex, we should reduce the load on our working memory, and when the concept or information is easier, the load can be increased. If working memory is overloaded learning slows down, or can even stop. The human brain can only process small amounts of new information at any one time. Current research in the area of neuroscience tells us that most of our day we work from habits, and when we have to learn something new it becomes harder. You can feel the effort it takes to learn something new. It can be exciting, yet quite stressful, and it needs your full focus, which is really hard in these unprecedented times.

We know that developing a new neural pathway takes time, in fact it takes somewhere between 66-90 days to embed a habit. Right now in the midst of COVID-19 restrictions we are in a new learning zone most of the day. Now might be a good time to think about what we value, why we value it and how we can build good healthy wellbeing and learning habits. The problem is we are so overloaded that there is little space left. We need to be kind to ourselves. We are all doing an amazing job, each day is new and different, and it’s challenging. It’s okay to feel tired, to be a bit frustrated at times and to wish it could be different. It will be, this time will pass and, in the meantime, why not:

  • Treat yourself with the respect you do others

  • Think of everyone as a learner

  • Focus on kindness and compassion for self

  • Reduce your To Do List, prioritize it quite ruthlessly!

  • Chunk tasks – work on fewer at a time

  • Celebrate 3 Things that Went Well each day

  • Engage in short Brain Breaks to reset and refocus, move, stretch, listen to some music, have a cuppa or healthy snack.

  • Develop a timetable for the day for you and your family. Use it consistently to embed good habits, and remember to include what you need to do too. You matter!

  • Use your Character Strengths to energise yourself and others. Why not visit this website and do your Character Strengths Survey? There’s one for Youth too.

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